
Healthy Lunchbox Suggestions

Students need to eat a variety of foods every day to be healthy and perform well at school.

Ideal school lunches should include at least one item from each food group and also include water.

Encourage students to get involved in the planning, shopping and preparation of foods for their school lunches, so they are more likely to enjoy them.

Find some great ideas to help you get started here:

Healthy lunchboxes factsheet is available below.


Grade 1 News

Reading Tips for Sirius College Parents

10 Handy Tips to help your child with reading in prep-grade 4

  1. Cuddle up and read. Quiet times together are opportunities to bond and read. The cuddling can be as important as the reading. Make it exciting: put some drama into your voice or let your child read every other page. As you go, explain any new words or ideas.
  2. Public libraries today are worlds to explore so try to go regularly. Your library has great resources-books, computer games, DVDs, CDs magazines, newspapers and internet access. There are also terrific in-house programs such as reading circles for little ones and homework clubs for older children. If you have access to a public library, talk to the librarian about what is available
  3. Make your kitchen part of your “reading zone”. Have fridge magnets available so children can start making words and short sentences. These can be made on the fridge or stainless steel lamington trays etc...
  4. Words are everywhere-take everyday opportunities to read with your child. Your child’s world is filled with words-on cereal boxes, street signs, stores, posters, bus ads etc. Wherever you go, you can always find new words and point them out.
  5. Games can be great learning tools. Board games or card games such as word bingo or memory and rhyming cards can be a fun way to learn about words, letter sounds, and reading. They can help children realize how much fun learning can be. You can even create your own by cutting out pictures, writing words on cards and getting your child to match them.
  6. Computers are reader friendly too! Though many worry that kids may spend too much time on the computer, there are some great games that help kids learn to read and allow them to create their own stories. Look for “parent approved” on the packaging in stores and libraries.
  7. Books make great gifts. Ask family and friends to give a book instead of a toy as a gift. Make sure to tell them about your child’s reading level and interests. To build up a home library you can find almost-new books at garage sales and fetes.
  8. Subscribe to a magazine. There’s no substitute for the excitement of receiving mail. Let your kids subscribe to their favourite age-appropriate magazine and watch their eyes light up with the arrival of each new issue.
  9. Be a reading role model. When your kids see you reading, they will want to imitate you. It won’t be long until they learn that reading is fun, interesting, and a “grown up” thing to do.
  10. Keep books, magazines and newspapers handy. Keep a box in the kitchen or living room for easy access.

This week grade 1A students enjoyed their library session. They participated in shared reading activities and made the most of the wonderful selection of reading materials in the library, which included big books, picture storybooks and non-fiction books.

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1C students enjoyed Cosmic Yoga. Interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence - and gets students into yoga and mindfulness early!

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Grade 2 News


Grade 2’s have commenced their electives for 2018 and look forward to it each week. The electives are: Science, Brain Teaser Club, Critical and Creative Thinking, Puppet and Mask Making and Arabic for Beginners.

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Information Text

Grade 2 students from EMP focus genre for term 1 is ' Information Text' where students have been scaffolding through using various resources such as reading short texts, viewing videos and investigating information of our history topic "The past in the Present".

This allows students to transfer their information by using the text features to locate information relevant to given topic efficiently.

Information Report


This term Grade 2 students have commenced expanding their understanding and workings of number. They have and will continue to:

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Grade 2 during D.E.A.R Time

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Grade 2 Class Captains and Vice Captains


Grade 3 News

Hello, my name is Sabeeha Shafiq. I have been selected to be the Class Captain in the 3C classroom. I believe a good class captain is always organized and responsible. I will listen to my friends and teachers, and will always be respectful.

As a good class captain, I’m always going to work hard to be a good student and will have a positive attitude. I will support my teacher and friends by leading some special events in the classroom. I feel very proud to be a Class Captain. (By Sabeeha, 3C)

Hello everybody! My name is Alara Basak and I have been selected as a Vice Class Captain in 3C. I promise to support my teacher and help her whenever she needs help. I will be caring and have a fair attitude. I will be responsible, trustworthy and a good role model. I am very happy to be a vice class captain. (By Alara, 3C)

Class captains

Hello, I’m Maha Sajid from 3C. I have been selected as a SRC rep. As a

SRC member, I should look out for my friends, be a good listener and be kind to everybody. I believe I will do just that. I received a SRC member’s badge, which will help all the students in the school recognize me and ask me for help if they need to.

As a SRC member, I will be trustworthy and will follow the school rules. I will be fair and honest. I will give lots of good ideas about how we can help improve our school in our SRC meetings. I can’t wait for our first meeting! (By Maha, 3C)

Hello, my name is Taha Samci and I have been selected as a SRC representative from 3C. These will be some of the things I will be responsible for:

Helping my friends, working hard as a team to organize events, making sure everyone is following our school values, making my school a better place by discussing important issues, and planning fundraising event for good causes. (By Taha, 3C)

SRC reps

Grade 4 News

Buddies Incursion

Students were thrilled to spend the afternoon taking part in a wellbeing program called ‘Buddies’. Buddies was an exciting adventure that gave clear strategies for making and maintaining friendships and being safe on the internet. It encouraged children to express their feelings in a safe way; it promoted the use of kind words, encouraged students to seek help and gave information about never giving details or talking to strangers online.

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Some Student Feedback on the Incursion


It was good for learning about how to be friends


It was a really nice incursion


It was a good incursion to help us be better buddies.


The Friends song was very catchy!


It was so good that I started crying!


The incursion was lots of fun and I think that EVERYBODY ENJOYED IT


The emotions in the last song was great. It was very touching.


I loved how they taught kids about kindness and friendship and what true friends are.


It made learn a lot about friendships


I loved the incursion and thought that it was the best so far.


It was so good I thought about my brother


It was so good I laughed a lot


It was really good and funny. I really liked it

During our Math session’s 4C students have been learning about place value. To enhance their learning they have been playing interactive and hands on games in class. Students gained understanding in making connections between representations of numbers, partitioning and combining numbers flexibly, extending place value.

Grade 5 News


This is our first year at Sirius College. We really like being at our new school and enjoy coming to school every day. There is no bullying at Dallas and we made new friends quickly. During recess and lunch we play tag with our new friends. Our favourite subject is Maths and History.

By Sarim and Saim Babar 5A